Dragons everywhere!!! OH GOD!!

So first couple of days in Pandaria and I have over 40 screenies with dragons in them.  Just dragons – everywhere!!   I can’t help myself,  I would say I am spending almost as much time taking pictures of dragons as I am actually questing! (possible exaggeration)!

I am just amazed at how wonderful the artwork is!

I was tempted NOT to hand in the quest in which you have to collect the 4 little dragons, just so I could have them wth me all the time, but I figured they wouldn’t last out of the area or even if I logged out…I didn’t want to tempt fate…but  I loved having four of them trailing around!!

This is also being added to my headers because it is pure win!

Here are some more that I got to ride on or past or around!

Seriously, I will stop here, I know it is only 4, but I would bore you all to death with just more dragons!  LOL

I am in heaven!!  DRAGON HEAVEN  TELL YOU!!

5 comments on “Dragons everywhere!!! OH GOD!!

  1. I’ve spent way too much of my time yesterday running around getting screenshots– I was good and managed to avoid a lot of the beta spoilers so everything is NEWZOMG! *bounce*

    So many beautiful things to see! And most of them are dragons!! (And instaspawn mobs that slaughter me, but who cares– dragons!!!) 😉 hehehe

    • oh the insta mobs are horrid in some places, and others they are just non existant! I am the same with skipping beta stuff, I avoided posts as much as possible because I wanted to see it all new 🙂

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