My thoughts so far on MoP

I am currently sitting midway into level 87 and I will honestly say – hand on heart – I am sick of levelling already. It feels long.  Really long this time. I normally don’t mind questing, but I am finding it particularly frustrating this time around.

My very quick reasons for this – is the maps are confusing and quests are spread out all over the place.  I have felt as if I have spent all day running back and forth for like 2 quests, or you find a random in a forest who has 3 quests but had you not walked past him you wouldn’t have known they were there.  I would prefer you have a map with one city in the middle and some dude hands you out 50 quests all at once, then I can just go around the map and do them in some semblence of order.  Yes – I want order!

The second issue I am having is being unable to find ways to get into quest hubs, yesterday I spent 30 minutes riding around an entire map to find an entrance that was on my map, but not when I got there. It has happened multiple times.  Yes I know it is not Blizz’s fault because I get lost, but if we sued the above solution, I wouldn’t be annoyed about it !  :p

See, very quick negatives, onto the other things!

I have run both available dungeons :

First time I ran it I got locked out of one of the boss fights because the tank ran in like a looney – although that seemed to be a theme with the runs I went on today (5 – if memory severs me correctly). I didn’t get a chance to enjoy my time in there so I really cannot comment,  I hate the first boss who requires you spend the entire fight running in a circle….what a stupid fight for people that need actually cast….stupid….

The last boss in this place, I SWEAR!!  did different things when I went in…so I am assuming there is a random element to may help if I actually read the dungeon journal – I might do that tonight :p  I liked this instance, the litle elemental things are in it 🙂 They are awesome! Bad image but you know which creatures I am talking about.

I have been taking great care to read things and just enjoy the small things that are always in the game but generally missed out on.

A guildie also found one later that said something along the lines of scratching their botom they sniffed their finger and will never do it again.  I must try and track it down, it was funny 🙂  I liked the Hozen, not as annoying as JaJa binks but almost!

I am having massive bag space issues as the gear I am getting all looks so awesome, I am wanting to keep it, but my void storage is completely full, so is my bank and my only options now are to go through and delete any double ups of gear – like for my tier 13 stuff I have duplicate LFR pieces that I was using for PVP etc…I can get rid of them now and that may free up some space, but for the few pieces that will get rid of, I have already gotten quite a few novelty items from quests that I can’t bear to part with like my puntable marmot.  So transmog is an issue.  I am a fully fledged addict.  I want to enter more competitions! LOL

I am having issues with my mage – my damage seems to be crap.  I tried frost with no luck – I was struggling to get the hang of it, and am now trying fire.  I seem to spend far too long killing one mob, my normal spells are hitting for less than 20k (they used to hit for almost 30k and up to 50k for a crit) – I have to investigate what changes were made, was the damage output reduced for everyone or are the mobs just that much harder to kill? I am feeling quite distraught about it.  Fire is still RNG, although I enjoy the playstyle, I was barely doing 14k on some fights and others I was hitting just over 23k….which in my mind is pathetic.  If I get a chance over the next couple of nights I will start my investigations, this will be an easy fix once I figure it out I am sure.

Overall, I am enjoying myself!  I can’t wait to get to 90!

6 comments on “My thoughts so far on MoP

  1. I could be wrong, but I believe the game as a whole had a slight Intellect nerf. This is something I may have seen mentioned in trade, so take it with a grain of salt.

    As for the bag issue…start replacing with bigger bags? Could be expensive, but just a thought.

    • Gah bigger bags…I can’t do that!! LOL My toon has the biggest ones at the moment, and I think my bank is all slotters…but…I can’t be bothered to make more dreamcloth, however I haven’t checked if the cooldown is gone…

      Re the intellect nerf, they always do that with ne xpacs, i mean compared to vanilla it has gotten easier each time, however some of the changes are great time savers. I was against the sparkles on herbs/nodes/quest items, until i realised how much time i was saving by not having to look 10 minutes for every thing, I think that’s the thing isn’t it, does it make it dumb dumb easy or give you more time to do things with SOME of the stuff they have put it. Who knows…all I know is as long as I can keep raiding I am happy no matter what they do providing the don’t add too many patchwerk like fights in 🙂

    • Slowly Slowly. Once I get to 90 I can start playing with the other stuff and start on my druid 🙂 You are chugging along though aren’t you?

    • I have still only had one boss bug out on me 🙂 Pretty happy with that track record given the amount of dungeons I have run.

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