Raiding…can it really be you?

So, after much turmoil, discussion and weighing of our options, hubby and I have decided to just stay where we are. Blizzard really need to come up with a bulk transfer option for moving toons.  Neither of us could justify spending the money to move all our toons back to horde (given we just switched alliance) and to another server to start life up again.

I feel bad for Frosties as I had planned to be with them, but I just can’t justify it in my mind.  I can’t even really commit to a raid team due to my work roster and I would hate to jeopardize a raid team or not even raid very often because of my shifts.

This fortnight is ok, I am on earlies, but the next couple of weeks are late and that means I may not be home in time to start raids.  It will be like this until I change jobs.

Anyway we decided to stay on Nagrand and just raid with some blogging friends of mine.  They are nice and funny and so far in the two raids we have been in, we have had a lot of laughs and boss kills.

We did normal 10 man – killed a few bosses, both hubby and I got some upgrades – Sha of Pride first, I died on the trash :p, Galakras was defeated Iron Juggernaut caused us a couple of wipes due to positioning and really..OWWIES!!!, Dark Shaman was another couple of wipes – positioning and again OWWIES! also lag for our healers was not helping, but got there in the end – I love that fight!!  Love it!! So much crazy in one space! Also scored a groovy achievement on Nazgrim, I died a horrible burning death on that fight.

Defensive stance

We attempted Malkorok, but wiped a couple of times without killing him, I blame myself really, about half way through the raid I lost my focus due to some of the discussion happening and I couldn’t seem to get my focus back.  Really I forgot the problem with being in a guild is the triggery stuff that gets said.

The next night we went back in and did Siegecrafter (I died – as I always do on that fight), I just haven’t got my grove with that one yet, paragons and we then Garrosh – with a cool achievement :

Thrall Flexi

Garrosh, was technically easy, but the strat was different and I wasn’t really sure if I was supposed to be in or out, but overall not really bad.  I died because we got told to wait during one of the intermissions but someone in my group went in and I wasn’t fast enough to get out of the purple stuff – I got stuck on the stairwell and had nowhere to go 😦

It was so much fun to be raiding again, I still feel bad I am not with the Frosties, but my pally is still there and I do plan on playing her a lot, she is one of my favourite toons after all, but until it becomes cheaper to move multiple toons I can’t justify it.  You would think at this point when people have multiple alts – for levelling or banking – it gets very expensive.  😦  Happy and Sad panda!

Paladin got to the top!!

Woot!  My sexy pally chick made it to 90!!  So happy about that, not only because it means I am max level with the frosties and can actually do stuff with them now, but I also scored a sweet arse achievement, which I was no even aware of previously…I wonder if there are more for getting more toons to 90…I should ask Owl, he has like 11 I think he said…complete nutter!!  I couldn’t do it…some classes are just not suitable playing companions for me 🙂


My last part to 90 was spent in dungeons…strangely, Oom said he would come along and when we tried to sign up with him we couldn’t…the LFD system told me he was too high to do normals, and when Oom tried to sign up it said heroics only.  My guess it is ilevel based?  I have to look into it.  I think it is annoying that max levels can’t sign up for normal dungeons….if that is indeed the case.  So, in the end although others had offered to run some normals with me (and forgotten *cough* *cough*) it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.  I will make them pay with heroics though…”sorry I lost my taunt button???”  <insert evil MUHAHAHAHA here>.

Also hubby brought his druid back to Frosties, figured it was easier as it was already in the guild so just did a guild transfer.  He is slowly levelling, I think he is 88 he said?  I was so focused on getting to 90 I was pretty neglectful 😦  But we ran some dungeons together and that helped him get some xp, so all very useful in the end.

I am terrified of having to get my gear sorted, in fact, I spent some time on the Timeless gathering more gear and I basically have a prot set (armour only) and trying to gather enough coins to buy the shield/weapon.  And I spent all the money I had gemming/chanting it up…I am pretty broke now, but thankfully I got to 90 without setting foot in most of the map, so I will just slowly start questing the areas to open up dailies and get me some money to pay for flasks/repairs.

I did create a bank alt so I can offload stuff to the AH and hopefully that will bring in some cash..but it is a slow burn on that.

I asked the Frostie GM what spec my second should be – I have no immediate plans to raid but if I am online and they are short I would rather have my toon ready for it.  Prot will be her main – always has – but he advised DPS was more an issue than heals.  So Ret she is, with her second set of almost complete timeless isle gear, I spent some time on the dummy and was hitting 32k consistently, with half ret/half prot gear, so I think I can potentially increase that without much effort once I start getting gear.  Of course I am nowhere near the hit cap, and my expertise is short of where it needs to be on either set, but I haven’t upgraded any gear yet  (not enough VP) and some of my gear is still really low level.

For reference hit needs to be 7.5% and expertise 15%  – I am apparently slightly over the hit cap…well bugger me…I was sure I was under, which means I can reforge into expertise now and get that sorted 🙂


I get the fuzzies

Last night I was levelling my pally, I am pretty focused on getting her to 90 as soon as I can, I would like a level 90 horde toon to do things with friends on this faction.  I was pretty amped when I logged on as I knew I only had 50% to be done to get to 87.

Ding for me! Just three more to go…88 is my worst level because it is the in between one…so I was chatting to Aza who said he would run some dungeons with me when get to the “can’t keep going” point.  I am quit excited and although I hate to impose on people I adore, I have to confess to be ever so slightly excited at the prospect of getting a couple of runs under my belt with my Frostie friends.

Pally 87

For lack of a better description, I am still starstruck by a lot of people in that guild because I have been reading about them for so long, I confess to being a bit of a groupy.  It is after all by reading Nav’s blog in the first place that I met them all.  I want to be 88 already so I can start running with them, so of course I must quest!

In my travels last night, I discovered this little mob sitting by a tree :


I haven’t read the book, Ferdinand the Bull, I only know of it from the movie “The Blind Side”, which is a favourite of mine.  I was so excited to see him, I couldn’t bring myself to kill him either – he is from a children’s book after all!!  ❤ Blizz right now though.

I also did one of my favourite quests – mini dragons!!!!! Yes, I will try and get a picture of this quest with all of  my toons!!

Pally dragons

Of course last but certainly not least, towards the end of the night, someone jumped online that I had been dying to see since I got back, but had managed to miss every single time I was on – thanks to battle tags though, that will never be a problem again!!  But he remembered how much I loved one of his macros…(and I believe I have posted about it before) but I was so happy to see it!!

Bunny welcome

Honestly it just makes me giggle my arse off every time! It’s a bunny…driving a tank!!!!  A BUNNY!!!  Yeah, I never said i was going to make sense!! We had a very interesting discussion about analaog vs digital and measurements from the beginning of time – and I begged him to put the entire lesson into a blog post because it was so fascinating. I want to share it without stuffing up facts…but I was amazed last night and was having so much fun!

Onward to 88 I say!!

Guild update

I haven’t really spoken about the current guild situation, which is to say, we don’t really have one.  We are in the old guild we created with just our toons as we switch them over to alliance to play with our best mates, but we haven’t really considered our options in regards to the future, I don’t want to just be by ourselves as it makes it hard to find groups and meet people to actually talk to about the game.

The question was posed to me from a couple of my blogging friends, about our future plans so it got me thinking about what we actually want to do.  I have toons spread across 3 servers now and in the end I really only want to just be in a home again.

My priest is in Gen’s guild just slowly leveling and being a nuisance to the guildies who seem to be very non verbal when I am on my priest, so I could just be missing the exciting times :p. There was a plan to do some flexi’s with them, but I think poor Gen has taken a break and has probably disappeared into the Caverns of Time!! I just moved my pally over to my second home with Navi and the Frostwolves.  I confess to having further increased my soft spot for the frosties.  I read “Rise of the Horde” recently and Durotar of the Frostwolves was very noble and honourable, every time they said “Frostwolves” in the book I felt a little spasm of pride that I can consider myself one.  In name  – if not deeds just yet.

With xpac looming as well, it would be nice to figure out what we want to do. I know with my schedule I cannot commit to a raiding team unless they also have enough DPS they can rotate me out for the weeks I am on late shift.  Hubby has mentioned he would like to raid as it gives him something to always be looking into, takes his mind off work stress – which is a valid lifestyle choice in my opinion 🙂

I cannot imagine raiding on anything other than my mage, but I moved my pally (who is now 86.5) so I could do runs or flexis with the Frosties in any spec that was needed to fill the spots…if it comes up of course.  I know I can tank, and I was starting to heal on her and I have DPS’d on a pally…so I sort of have all bases covered should it be needed until the xpac.  I might add, thanks to the timeless isle, she has an entire set – excluding gloves and cloak of gear for when she hits 90..but only one set sadly.  Plan to get her leveled first before doing much else.

My druid now has both a resto and boomy set from the timesless isle as well, so that means I essentially have another toon I can flexi on.

In another fortnight I may just move my mage over to the Frosties, but given I just changed her alliance it will cost me a pretty penny..but I am still thinking I might just do that and be done with it.  I don’t want to make any decisions that will affect my hubby negatively though and so I am trying to get him into other guilds to meet people before making decisions.  I want to ensure he is happy, but he seems content to avoid people in game at the moment, and I don’t blame him – we haven’t really been successful with people in the past. Once bitten, twice shy?

Anyway we shall see how it pans out over the next fortnight.

Raid Team, guilds and throwing down

So, after some pretty heavy recruiting, we managed to get the last few spaces filled in what will hopefully be our core team for raiding.

As it stands though, I have 2 more people that need to start getting focused on their gear, with another 2 at just below the 460 point and the rest of us in full 463 gear.

Not too bad, however I had hoped that we would have been raiding by now.  The plan is now hopeful for Wednesday and at that point, I will start recruiting over those not ready.  It has been well and truly long enough for everyone to get geared and ready, if the GM can level an entirely new toon and be ready I will not believe that other people cannot do 5 levels and gear in the same amount of time.  To me that shows a distinct lack of dedication to the progression focus we want to have.

I don’t want to be server first and beating other guilds etc, but I don’t want to be waiting around for months before we set foot in there either.  I do want us to be ready so go in, do well and lay some smackdown.  A friend GM from another guild was telling me about their attempts in MV and I was amazed – they have a raid tested and proven raid team and they are dealing with laziness, how in hell will we do.  We have a largely untested raid team – all seemingly good players in heroics and in LFR – aside from me – so how will we go as a group.

This is one of the reasons I want to get in there ASAP, if people can’t handle it, I want to know sooner rather than later.  I want to make sure we get the best group we can. I want to be like the Frosties (who i miss immensely) and be getting heroic final boss kills for mounts and achievements. I don’t want to be scraping for kills an xpac later.

Small things weighing on my mind huh ?!??

In other news though, the guild is a smidge off getting to level 25!!  When I logged off last night it was 82% through level 24, so it may even happen today if we are lucky.

I have done no pet battles, in fact the idea of having to level my actual pets makes me want to cry.  As far as I can tell, and I have been so focused on raiding plans I have ignored reading everything else, I have to move my pets to areas of the same level…but really…effort – not something I have at the moment with that 🙂

Dailies.  Yes I have been Mrs Slack when it comes to those little buggers!  I was diligent the first few days and did ALL of them, but now…I am just not even doing any – mainly because I am trying to get heroics happening to get people gear, and doing runs for people as well.  I spent a couple of hours last night chasing the Lorewalkers thing instead of doing “important” dailies :p  But I now have a cloud to fly around on!!  I shall probably seriously start my dailies again this week.  Maybe.  …  possibly.

I also got over my fear of starting a PUG group and organised one for Sha of Anger.  Well really i just invited a bunch of people who then took over and I really couldn’t be bothered arguing.  But hey, I started it instead of not…so kudos to me 🙂  I was a little mortified when they started booted everyone below 90 and abusing them for being moochers and they should be leveling instead of trying to get loot off raid bosses.

Sorry for the long post and no pictures 🙂 but wrap your arms around yourself and have a free hug from me – if you made it this far you deserve it!

Heroic ICC 25 man

No, I did not get my mount, it was harder than anticipated 🙂

We headed in on Sunday evening and we killed everything in heroic mode, but missed the non heroic achievements – not all, but some.  I already had most of them done in heroic mode except for Professor Purtricide, but I had to switch to my pally to heal Dreamwalker, thankfully my mage already had her on heroic so no loss for me.

I think the only achievement I got was boatship.  But I need to confirm.

However Navimie needed two bosses done in heroic for the mount and we got that done for her 🙂  I was happy.  I had been trying to get her into a run for a few weeks.

Anyway, I am going to try and get another 25 man going this weekend if I can to finish it off for those who were there with us, we don’t need heroic though just normal 25 – spankalicious if you ask me.