My warrior makes the cut!

My baby warrior is finally 90!

I have very special feelings for both my mage and my Warrior as they are the same toons I have had since Vanilla, they have gone through moves, changes and factions with me and are the only two characters I have had since then.  My priest was created in BC, and she is the next oldest toon I have.

My warrior started out as a my wait toon, back in the day before btags, when you had to be on a toon that people could see you on to get credit for DKP.  I never really leveled her all that much, I more sat around in the main cities chatting to the guildies that were waiting with me, but I could never let her languish because of that connection I forged with her.

Warrior 90

So she makes the 4th toon to 90 that I have and is now mostly decked out in Timless isle gear already, I had three pieces which I took off my pally (shoulders, legs and boots) and whilst opening chests I found braces, gloves, chest, trinket, helm and ring…not too bad for a about 40 minutes of death…yes I was getting my butt handed to me by all the rares 🙂  I only mention the gear because I found this achievement quite funny when I got rid of one of my rings :


That is for superior items with a minimum of 333 in all slots…That’s where I was at gear wise trying to kill mobs on the Timeless Isles…just think about that for a moment….333!!  Crazy…that is me 🙂

I also laughed when I got this achievement when I landed…Clearly I have no idea how I managed to actually get to 90 doing so few quests??  I must have done dungeons for one levelling period or something??  No idea…


Comparatively my mage has done 7946 quests according to the statitics tab 🙂  I love it!

So deciding what toon to level next?  Shammy who is already 85 or hunter or priest…soo undecided….

BA Shared Topic – Oaths

Shared Topic this week from Matty:

What vows would your character say, intend, or break, and to what allegiance? Would it be to class/race/specialization, deity, or ruler? This is quite a challenging Blog Azeroth topic, however, I know you are all up to it because you are amazing writers.

I found this one a hard one…many of my readers would know, I am not a very good writer, in fact I would go so far as to say I suck!!  Thinking about oaths and actually coming up with how to formulate those ideas into words was a struggle, however I believe I have come up with something that is only mildly crap :p

The thing you have to understand with my mindset about my toons is I don’t really care about the faction that are in.  If they are alliance, they hate horde or whatever the larger evil is (death wing anyone), and same with my horde toons, they typically hate the alliance.  The issue I have found is that my toons have been back and forth so many times in their life, I tend to just see them as their class and leave it at that.  I wrote some oaths trying to express how my main characters see their life and any oaths they may have taken to continue on their chosen path (horde or alliance 🙂  – yes I know a whole bunch of friends just screamed that I have to choose a side!!!)

My warrior has taken the following oath:
I pledge my life for yours to protect you from all danger and spill the blood of our enemies, before a drop of yours is shed. I shall honour our earth, I shall cleanse in the water, I shall breath in the air, I shall feast with our clan by the fire.  Always must I believe my shield is as important as my heart, and should one break the other will follow.  I am more than my weapon, and my scars will ever be a reminder of the trials we have suffered and the battles we have won.

My Paladin took:
The light shall absolve me; in the light, I shall triumph. Any pain shall be healed, any fear will be quelled. Within the light we will become one, our triple aspect becoming greater than any evil our world can attempt to destroy me with. Protection, healing and killing shall be my future with the understanding I must remember to always protect those who cannot protect themselves. This is my oath until the light leaves my body for the last time.

My Mage:
We bring the storms and we can bring the calm. We are the army that lights up the night sky.  Together we are stronger than man, demon or god.  The fire burns within us, seeking destruction; ice stills our mind, seeking the calm and the arcane flows through our veins; bursting with knowledge.  Seek the wisdom to defeat our enemies, create the balance in your mind and allow the fire in your soul to be shared with your allies.

and finally my Druid:
I am bound to the moon, as the earth is bound by the sun. I feel the turning of the seasons as one feels the rage in battle, all my forms are given to the service of the old gods. I shall nourish the earth as she nourishes me and I will fight our enemies without reservation if they cause damage to the land and the spirits which inhabit it. I fight for those who do not understand the ways of the spirit, so that one day the fight will no longer be needed.

I can’t wait to see more oaths!

Other posts for this topic:




Tome of the Ancient

Ysera’s Daughter

Diestofire – Worgen Warrior

Diestofire has become my new god.

Last night we had signed up to do the last part of SoO, and whilst waiting we signed up for a heroic…this worgen was our tank.  If you check out his armory link you will see the kind of gear he is wearing.

He was the most unbelievable tank I have ever seen, and I can only hope to one day do heroics like he did.  He tanked bosses on his own (seriously three of us locked out of the room including the healer). He would pull entire rooms and then just stand there and keep all the aggro…his hp was something like 1017k in def stance.

I spent the entire time on vents laughing because I could do nothing but arcane explosion the crap out of everything. I admit a small part of me was just enjoying running and exploding and bouncing and jumping..there was something very fun about.

We ended up doing 3 runs with him and it was just amazing, to do 3 full clears took us about…25 minutes…I just cannot tell you how cool it was.

I am completely in awe of him.  I wish I could tell him how much he inspired and impressed me.  I can’t seem to stop gushing!!

Shared topic : head cannon

This weeks shared topic is brought to us by Akabeko at Red Cow Rise and it is a doozy!!

Canon refers to the actual events and characters that exist in a fictional world. Headcanon refers to any situations or characters that are imagined by fans of said fictional world. Sometimes they are silly, like the fact that Garrosh’s favorite treat is lemon squares. Sometimes they are serious, like positing that tauren store grief in the lungs. For my writing, I’ve come up with a lot of headcanon. Got a theory about a torrid romance between your favorite auctioneer and the patrolling guard? Given any thought to where mounts and pets go when they aren’t summoned? Do you know how your characters do their laundry, or what Baine Bloodhoof does in his free time? What are your headcanons, and where did you get the idea?

This is going to be a very long post 🙂 I have so much head cannon it will take me a while to post it all!  I am just going to talk about my personal characters because they are the people I spend the most time with.

So let’s start in order with my Mage 🙂 She was technically born in elwynn forest on a lovely rainy night. She was not supposed to be born due to her parents heritage – their love was forbidden – so she grew up living a nomadic lifestyle, moving from place to place, raised by many different aunts and uncles until she was old enough to strike out on her own.  She does not have a chip about this as she is well aware she is loved by her parents and had a fantastic upbringing.

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He is complete – for the moment!! 

I still need the helm and a better weapon, however the helm I generally have hidden anyway, so I am not worried about it and my weapon is kind of crud, so I want to get it upgraded before I worry about transmogging it.  However the longer I look at him without a matching weapon the more it is going to annoy the hell out of me, so it may end up done this week anyway 🙂

My shoulders dropped off Omor tonight and I was wrapped, so I am sorry for the posting in the last couple of days, I have been going overboard, but seriously it just rocks my socks and I am so excited I had to share immediately!!

Cross realm raid – BWL

My first proper cross realm raid 🙂  I logged in yesterday morning as I had the day off and got thrown an invite almost straight away 🙂

I hadn’t been to BWL on my warrior 🙂

Scored an achievement, clearly I need to fix my mod as the above is a terrible image…LOL How can I even say what achievement I got??

We took a photo at Nef before we killed him and I wanted to say the 15 minute run through BWL was heaps of fun 🙂  My first cross realm raid was a success!   I like them.

Thanks for the run guys, you all kept me laughing!

Then I listened to twisted nether blogcast with Navimie 🙂  I had to run just before it finished because hubby needed to make a work call and my headphones weren’t plugged in.  It was fun sitting in the chat room with Cymre (!!) and some other guildies just chatting away.  The noodles though.  THE NOODLES!!!!  I swear, most painful hour with those ads!!

Purple Nurples and other addictions :D

Sorry for all the transmog posts lately….I blame JD 🙂  Yes yes!!

Tonight, I transmogged another olympic outfit…the Javelin, but whilst trolling around transmog sites and gear, I found the set I wanted for my warrior….the Revenant set!  All purple and  I chased down some quests which rewarded the items and I have to farm two bosses for my shoulders (Omor in Hellfire ramparts – who didn’t give it up tonight) and Kael in MgT – who I have to kill but can’t be bothered doing right now!  Thanks to McT for all the help he gave me and fantastic mogging talk 🙂

Of course my only issue is a mace now..all the ones I like are from heroic ICC or FL…so I have to lower my preferences 🙂  heheh  But i am calling him the purple nurple!!!

Onto other things, I took my Druid into LFR to heal…and I sucked…I really just don’t get druid healing…although I have only done it a couple of times so perhaps I am being too harsh on myself.  I may just give up on the healing.

My rogue is now level 20 and has riding skills 🙂  This makes me happy as running around it just killing my will to live.  I am not sure how far she will go, but anything is possible.

Hubby got his druid to 84 this morning, and we are currently on our pally/shammy combo trying to get them to 85 as they are fully rested now.  Funny tangent, we had them in a guild which no one ever spoke in – over 400 members and I think I had seen people speak in guild chat once…when I joined about 6 months ago.  So we left that guild today because we just got sick of the silence even when trying to get a conversation started.  About 1.5 minutes after leaving the guild, we get a guild invite to the same guild!!! A generic whisper saying our guild is looking for members, join us type thing, so we both messaged back something much less polite than “we just left your crap guild”.  I did giggle.

We are considering moving the 2 of them over to Dath to be with the frosties…not that we have discussed raiding at all, however hubby did mention that 2 raiding resto druids may not work so he needs another toon option (resto druid because I waffle about Navimie too much I think)….I find this interesting for 2 reasons :

1 – I may be able to convince him to raid if the team is not as unco as he currently experiences.

2 – I have not mentioned raiding at all except that they progressed well and seem to be quite competant.

I felt a little twinge of excitement when he said that because it gave me some hope. I may be able to raid with him horde side again…somewhere!! I had a happy!

My mage is feeling very unloved at the moment, and I do feel bad for her. I might try and do an olympic transmog for her now and see if I can’t give her some loving.

Just chilling out

My rogue is level 17 🙂 Highest level rogue by miles now. Still not sure if i enjoy it, although it has grown on me since hitting 15 and being able to run dungeons. The fact that I am top on dps helps. I won’t discuss any further the horrific LFD runs at that low level – suffice it to say…I think I had the deserter buff more than I was in a run.

Not sure if I mentioned this, but hubby joined frosties on his druid and is now 83. We are still new and feeling a little like outsiders – but that happens with every guild, but so far I love the sense of humour in the guild. They have me giggling a fair bit when I am online. I actually find I am wanting to log onto my dath toons, wishing my AT toons were there…I really do enjoy the people…when they are chatting. I would say 60% of the time guild chat is pretty quiet.

It is fun running dungeons with hubby healing me as I tank. Two more levels and we can start doing heroics, after all, I am only getting 13g for every run, I don’t mind though as it is only costing me about 2g repairs since I am not even close to dying, but I would like to be getting some JP/VP and not just coin.

We may move our other horde toons over, but it really isn’t important at this stage – it would just be nice to have other toons with maxxed professions (or close to max) that can aid us. We have discovered that Dath has a crappy AH…there is not much on there and anything that is on there is so uber expensive compared to what we are used to on Aman’thul. That decision will likely be made on Friday – but I would want to bring both with me…hunter and shammy, he would bring pally and hunter. Decisions, Decisions.

Onto some other news, which I have yet to tell my GM about, I will be breaking the news to him tonight. It looks like in my bid to get healthier, I will be starting karate in a fortnight. Their 2 training days happen to be the same days we raid. I will now only be available to raid on Sundays with them and that means I am not likely going to be raid leading for them in MoP, of course, we don’t have a date for MoP, and i can’t tell the future…but it is not looking hopeful.

Warrior love

I had my day off on Wednesday and so I spent some time giving my warrior some love 🙂

Started off doing Ahune on all my toons – stupidly I was tanking on my pally when I signed up as healer and I didn’t even realise…DUH!

After those 4 were done, I decided to run some normals on my warrior, just to get rid of some gear – I am wearing tanking greens, but they are greens 🙂  I want to be able to at least be running twilight heroics…possibly LFR, but I am not overly stressed about that.  I am already running LFR on my druid and I have no idea how people do it multiple times on their various alts…I could probably handle it on one more toon…but that would be the limit.

Anyway, every run, I explained to the group that I was building my set so my threat generation was a little slow and to be please be aware.  I had absolutely no problems. I think my little warning let people know the situation and it made things so much easier.  If I lost mobs I got them back very quickly, overall no one died in the 6 or so runs I did and I was quite happy with it. No one yelled at me or gave me shit – that made me happy as well.

I am half blues now, 1 epic and the rest still greens, I am getting there.  I can run heroics now for cata if I want to, but I will hold off until I am happy with my gear – a little more change would be nice.  I don’t want to run into heroics and get squished with one hit.

I was quite happy with my effort and I have missed tanking on my warrior…I do enjoy my pally as well, but my warrior has been around as long as my mage has, and holds a very special place in my heart 🙂

He was quite happy to be getting back into the dungeons as well…kept jumping around like a crazy cow. I think he is just happy to be having company again.

All i need now is lotto :)

Awesome day today!

My beautiful warrior finally hit 85 this morning!! YAY!  He was my second toon ever created after my mage 🙂  He was a she at her original creation but is now a tauren boy.

I don’t really have any plans for him, I just wanted to get him maxxed so I can maybe run some dungeons and just have some fun.  I enjoy my warrior – nowhere near as much as my mage or my druid, but I enjoy thunderclap and Stromstrike far more than I probably should!

Anyway, I logged onto my priest to start levelling her, since I am at work I can’t run dungeons, so am just questing, which can get boring!  I got a message from the hubby so I took a few minutes to read that.

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1.25 hours/4 bosses down and WoW @ work

Yup, I know some people can clear DS in that time, but we are a slower more relaxed guild ok :p (Well that’s my excuse and I am sticking to it).

We managed to recruit a couple of people this week, a healer and a dps, which is fantastic, so we have been able to field some full raid groups.  Last night was spectacular.

Continue reading

Almost 83

Yeah I am a slow arse I know, but I am just kind of enjoying the ride to 85, last time; when levelling to 80, I rushed through and then was bored waiting for others to catch up.  So this time I am just getting there in my own time.

I haven’t really had much of a chance to play anyway, I have just been so busy, but this week I plan to get to 85 and then start on my warrior whilst levelling my professions on my mage.  A bit of down time never hurt anyone!

I like Hyjal, am glad it is over though, I was getting a little drained towards the end of it.  I am currently questing in Deepholm, which I love, it’s a lovely area.  I attempted to run an instance this morning, one of the ones in deepholm, and it was so fail I ended up leaving after the 4th wipe.  The tank would just run in and grab mobs, no CC, and no explanation, so I was trying to my best to keep mobs of the healers and then he would have a go about not targetting the right mobs etc.  Well I am sorry, I haven’t been here before and a little pre information would be more useful than post degradation.  So I left.  I decided I qould be better of questing trhen spending hours wiping because they want to be big shots.

Bah humbug is all I have to say!!  🙂

All good though, I will jump back in shortly and get to 83 tonight, if I can.  I am going to see MUSE tomorrow night so I doubt I will be playing much, so wanna get there before the end if the week!!!

Tanking on my pally :D

Went for my first heroic last night, actually 5 of them, was the first time since being back online.  We queued up the other night but I got HoR and I can’t do that just yet, I am not confident with my tanking so even contemplate that run.  Certainly not as my first heroic back after 4 months anyway 😀

So last night we got VH to start – mmm nice and easy, then UP, Gundrak, HoS  and then Nexus.  Did quite well for forgetting to put up righteous defence in VH until the last portal 😀  Had one group of mobs go everywhere, but the group we were running with was doing just under 1.5k dps, which meant it was tough to keep up with the portals, but hubby was there doing 4-5k dps and picking up the slack…..we got there in the end 😀

I messed up a little with mob management, I just don’t have enough mana – i think I am wearing too much warrior gear and not enough pally gear…will see if it is worth fixing 😀 and I am not able to get aggro on all the mobs in group pulls quickly enough and then when the DPS lay in at the same time I am losing a mob occassionally… but no one died to a loose mob, which is good, I stayed out of the fire and I was managing to get the loose ones back pretty quickly….

More practice is needed.  Hubby reckons I am a better tank than I was ever a mage, and he reckons I shoudl switch full time, but I am just not sure if I can let go of my mage – she is my collector toon and has all my achievements and I don’t want to lose that….but maybe for raiding I would be better as a tank?  I do enjoy it immensley – as much as playing my mage – hence why I am so torn I think 😀 

I also have my warrior as well which I could tank on, and given they are saying they are bringin back crowd control, perhaps my warrior would be better – no mana management to worry about and aweseom threat on single mobs…hrmmmm…..I do love my warrior as well….GAH!!!  I SUCK!!!

Taurens are the shizz :D

I moved my warrior horde side 😀 Hubby has a horde fetish and wanted to run some heroics, so since I have offered my pally to the guild for xpac my warrior was doing nothing 😀

I have to get a decent picture, I didnt take any today when I did it 😀 but here is one of him getting his groove on 😀

Was very odd running around on him today, for a start – its a him!! LOL my first male toon ever I think!!

Ran a handful of heroics, wiped us twice, once due to poor management, I think my arse is now bigger than I realise and I backed into some mobs, the other time I can’t remember right now what happened, but all in all we coped and no one abused me, so that is good.

Almost got enough badges for a couple more tier 9 pieces which should boost me enough to perhaps start running UldTOC or something…..if I am lucky anyway 😀

My Pally is no longer an evil hordie :)

Yes I switched her, I will likely move my warrior horde side and make her my first ever male character, although I am not entirely sure about that yet 🙂   I might finish my hunter that is sitting on a US time server though – not sure yet 😀

Anyway – here is the new girl, yes I went spacegoat again 🙂 I like the tails ok!!?!?!

She is fully Prot now, and I am working on her tier 9 gear so I can start pugging the ICC stuff, I have 2 more of the badge pieces to try and get and to be honest if we have an alt run through ICC any time soon for the first four bosses I may see if I can snaffle her a shot 😀

I was tanking some normal runs yesterday – non heroic – to try and get back into the swing of it, made a few mistakes etc, but no one was taking aggro off me and a few of them were trying their damn hardest.  I really feel sorry for actual tanks (which may be me at Cata).  People just don’t get it 😀

It was fun to be on her again, I really enjoy tanking I have to admit.  I like it on my warrior as well, I just think AOE tanking is such less a hassle on the pally 😀 But I am pretty good with my warrior as well I think.  A little more practice and I may be good at it !!  LOL

Protadin to the rescue!!

So I have been recently running heroics on my pally, and that is probably an exaggeration, it has been about 2 weeks since I have actually logged in, but prior to this little break due to Real life, I had just started running as a tank 🙂 

I am basically trying to say, that I think I miss it!!  LOL  I think I love tanking 😀  I can see why some people hate it, but I find it far less annoying than DPSing 🙂 

I am tanking on my warrior and my pally and I cannot choose which I prefer to play as a tank, they are both uber to me.

I don’t want to play my mage at the moment, I get too depressed when I log onto her and see she has no tier 10 due to lack of raiding at the moment.  So I like being on my wariror/pally who are slowly building up badges for the tier 9 gear 🙂  Will be abe to start PUGging ICC with them soon maybe 🙂 heehh 

Just thought you should know 😀

Tank and spank

So I got all revved up and decided to tank some heroics on my warrior….I have lost a little confidence in being a tank to be honest, I feel really bad that I can’t seem to hold multiple adds very well….and I know it is just experience, but I feel like a right royal twat sometimes when I am in a group with all randoms, because they don’t know that I am new to tanking….no one has said anything about it though, so can’t be too bad, and when I have told them I am new to tanking I generally get compliments so that is always good.

However tonight….tonight was kickarse!!  I tanked HoS!!  Yes HoS!!  You know the sucky instance with Brann Wankerbeard needing to be protected during that event?  I tanked it!!  And by tanked I mean we didn’t wipe!  We had a little trouble towards the end of the event as the 2 DPS had died from standing in a fire so mobs were running around everywhere and I was doing my best to grab them all, but I don’t have a heck of a lot of AOE taunting moves…..anyway….we survived, well the rest of us did 😀 

Then as luck would have it we got UP next.  You know with the gauntlet of death and the insane flying boss, well I managed to do that as well!!  LOL  I was on a high!!  We wiped once in UP – I didn’t get far enough into a corner to do a LoS pull, so I know for next time.    I got my red sword of courage!!!  So I have a much better weapon now that people can stop mocking me for…apparently my quest reward for killing Durn at level 65 was not considered a good weapon for my tanky 😀 hehehe

So I think I am starting to get a little more confident.  Having some raid experience now and some better gear is making it a little easier to feel like I am able to click tank on the random heroic thing now!!  Just need to keep the momentum going and get the gear happening 😀  I would like to start tanking on her more often 😀  I do enjoy it when I am having a good night J

Oh that’s right I also tanked ToC!!!  As in I was one of the tanks – actually tanking!!  The RL had me doing all the icky things like picking up adds “I nailed it”  hehehe.

Only need another 10 triumps for an offhand and ring upgrade…..woot woot!

warrior stuff again

shield slam > revenge > shockwave > conc blow > devastate.

There are several different hit caps.
The melee hit cap causes all your single weapon auto attacks to always hit and causes all special melee attacks to always hit. This is reached at 8%.
The spell hit cap causes all your spells to always hit. This is reached at 17%.
The dual wield hit cap causes all your dual wield auto attacks to always hit. This is reached at 27%

Hit is almost a pure threat stat, it causes your attacks to hit more, and thus it makes you do more threat. There should be a reasonable amount of hit available on tank gear, but you shouldn’t gem or enchant for it.
The only time you should ever worry about hit caps is if you need to taunt something. If you glyph taunt, and the boss is properly debuffed (Improved Faerie Fire – Spell – World of Warcraft or Misery – Spell – World of Warcraft), you need 6% additional spell hit chance to always hit with yout taunt. This is 158 hit rating.

Note that taunt is based off of spell hit, and that you get more spell hit chance from your rating then that you get melee hit chance.

Expertise governs two things. The chance a mob has to dodge you and the chance a boss has to parry you.
You negate the mobs chance to dodge you when you reach 6.5% dodge and parry reduction at 26 expertise skill.
You negate the mobs chance to parry you when you reach 14% dodge and parry reduction at 56 expertise skill.

A note on hit and expertise.
For both hit and expertise, the general thing to remember is this: “If you do enough threat, you don’t need more of them. It is important, though, to realize that having more of either of them will make your threat less spiky. While this effect is minor, having a string of misses at the beginning of a fight can cause someone to grab aggro.
My advice would be to not worry about getting to either cap, but not completely ignoring the stat either. Gemming or enchanting for hit or expertise shouldn’t be needed

<3 Warriors :D

So I got my warrior to 535 defense and a few of the guilds tanks were helping me get gear etc, one pally in particular made me a fair few pieces of gear, which I cannot thank him enough for. That gear got me to 535, so I went and ran Halls of Lightening….no, not heroic!! LOL but for my first ever real tanking experience I would say it was pretty fucking awesome! I was loving it!

I let a couple of mobs loose accidentally, which I got back as quickly as I could, I only wiped us once as I pulled too many mobs and the whirlwind killed us 😀 The trinket I was after off Loken dropped, so my defence is no at 544, so I can start running heroics…probably not hard ones, but the easier ones I should be fine for..and if I stay within the guild a little I should be ok 😀

We also went to ToC – normal with me on my warrior to get some gear, and one ring dropped…everything else was not any good for me. It was a funny run, we wiped 4 times on NRB, just bad bad luck apparently and people thinking they were out of the fire when they weren’t etc…it was just funny, then on Lord Jaxx, OMG how much a tard am I….I thought I had time to run to the other side of the boss before it started, but no…he chased me, killed me in 3 shots…I am glad it wasn’t a one shot – I have some dignity…but the MT couldn’t stop laughing as he was wondering why the boss was running away and I was pissing myself at being such a retard…basically it was a bit of a laugh fest 🙂 I felt like such a retard!!! But I just couldn’t stop laughing.

We managed to finish it though 😀 I also did the weekly raid on my warrior today as well 😀 I didn’t tank just attempted to DPS. I finally have some money again so will be paying for a DPS spec on her some time this week so I can do a little of both. I basically just want to run heroics with her as much as possible to get some badges for my tier 9 gear 🙂

All in all a very very awesome day! Am very very proud of my tanking abilities 😀