Raiding…can it really be you?

So, after much turmoil, discussion and weighing of our options, hubby and I have decided to just stay where we are. Blizzard really need to come up with a bulk transfer option for moving toons.  Neither of us could justify spending the money to move all our toons back to horde (given we just switched alliance) and to another server to start life up again.

I feel bad for Frosties as I had planned to be with them, but I just can’t justify it in my mind.  I can’t even really commit to a raid team due to my work roster and I would hate to jeopardize a raid team or not even raid very often because of my shifts.

This fortnight is ok, I am on earlies, but the next couple of weeks are late and that means I may not be home in time to start raids.  It will be like this until I change jobs.

Anyway we decided to stay on Nagrand and just raid with some blogging friends of mine.  They are nice and funny and so far in the two raids we have been in, we have had a lot of laughs and boss kills.

We did normal 10 man – killed a few bosses, both hubby and I got some upgrades – Sha of Pride first, I died on the trash :p, Galakras was defeated Iron Juggernaut caused us a couple of wipes due to positioning and really..OWWIES!!!, Dark Shaman was another couple of wipes – positioning and again OWWIES! also lag for our healers was not helping, but got there in the end – I love that fight!!  Love it!! So much crazy in one space! Also scored a groovy achievement on Nazgrim, I died a horrible burning death on that fight.

Defensive stance

We attempted Malkorok, but wiped a couple of times without killing him, I blame myself really, about half way through the raid I lost my focus due to some of the discussion happening and I couldn’t seem to get my focus back.  Really I forgot the problem with being in a guild is the triggery stuff that gets said.

The next night we went back in and did Siegecrafter (I died – as I always do on that fight), I just haven’t got my grove with that one yet, paragons and we then Garrosh – with a cool achievement :

Thrall Flexi

Garrosh, was technically easy, but the strat was different and I wasn’t really sure if I was supposed to be in or out, but overall not really bad.  I died because we got told to wait during one of the intermissions but someone in my group went in and I wasn’t fast enough to get out of the purple stuff – I got stuck on the stairwell and had nowhere to go 😦

It was so much fun to be raiding again, I still feel bad I am not with the Frosties, but my pally is still there and I do plan on playing her a lot, she is one of my favourite toons after all, but until it becomes cheaper to move multiple toons I can’t justify it.  You would think at this point when people have multiple alts – for levelling or banking – it gets very expensive.  😦  Happy and Sad panda!

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