Catching up…slowly

I was away last weekend from Thursday to Monday night, and missed a whole bunch of stuff like transmog events and such.

I am slowly catching up, but it will take a few days I think, I am trying to set up some posts and I was halfway through a shared topic that I didn’t get to post, the one about head cannon, and it was such a long winded waffly post, I may just post it anyway!  Yeah I am a rebel!

I have no idea what I missed on twitter, and I am not going to go backwards through it all!!

I only remember last night to check my friends requests in game and had about 16 spam messages…really?!?!  SPAM!!!?  I was amazed!!  No I don’t want to be your friend and buy gold. PISS off Xhygsh!  LOL

I hope everyone is well and I will try and catch up on blogs when I can, hugs and kisses!

Shared topic: Introducing RL friends to WoW

Frinka has given us another great topic this week.

Have you ever tried to introduce real life friends to WoW? If yes, how did it go? If you never have, why not?
Mine is in two parts, the story of my recruitment and me recruiting others.
My recruitment I am sure i have posted before, but since I have no idea when you all get the story again :p