Raiding…can it really be you?

So, after much turmoil, discussion and weighing of our options, hubby and I have decided to just stay where we are. Blizzard really need to come up with a bulk transfer option for moving toons.  Neither of us could justify spending the money to move all our toons back to horde (given we just switched alliance) and to another server to start life up again.

I feel bad for Frosties as I had planned to be with them, but I just can’t justify it in my mind.  I can’t even really commit to a raid team due to my work roster and I would hate to jeopardize a raid team or not even raid very often because of my shifts.

This fortnight is ok, I am on earlies, but the next couple of weeks are late and that means I may not be home in time to start raids.  It will be like this until I change jobs.

Anyway we decided to stay on Nagrand and just raid with some blogging friends of mine.  They are nice and funny and so far in the two raids we have been in, we have had a lot of laughs and boss kills.

We did normal 10 man – killed a few bosses, both hubby and I got some upgrades – Sha of Pride first, I died on the trash :p, Galakras was defeated Iron Juggernaut caused us a couple of wipes due to positioning and really..OWWIES!!!, Dark Shaman was another couple of wipes – positioning and again OWWIES! also lag for our healers was not helping, but got there in the end – I love that fight!!  Love it!! So much crazy in one space! Also scored a groovy achievement on Nazgrim, I died a horrible burning death on that fight.

Defensive stance

We attempted Malkorok, but wiped a couple of times without killing him, I blame myself really, about half way through the raid I lost my focus due to some of the discussion happening and I couldn’t seem to get my focus back.  Really I forgot the problem with being in a guild is the triggery stuff that gets said.

The next night we went back in and did Siegecrafter (I died – as I always do on that fight), I just haven’t got my grove with that one yet, paragons and we then Garrosh – with a cool achievement :

Thrall Flexi

Garrosh, was technically easy, but the strat was different and I wasn’t really sure if I was supposed to be in or out, but overall not really bad.  I died because we got told to wait during one of the intermissions but someone in my group went in and I wasn’t fast enough to get out of the purple stuff – I got stuck on the stairwell and had nowhere to go 😦

It was so much fun to be raiding again, I still feel bad I am not with the Frosties, but my pally is still there and I do plan on playing her a lot, she is one of my favourite toons after all, but until it becomes cheaper to move multiple toons I can’t justify it.  You would think at this point when people have multiple alts – for levelling or banking – it gets very expensive.  😦  Happy and Sad panda!

Puny Mortal

Oh yes, I killed your Sha, I collected your masks, slayed your Mantid, threw your damn stones and farmed your striped Melons!!!….and then I finally – FINALLY got your damn bag!!

August celestials

Whether I pay 7k for a mount in the near future is yet to be seen!  But you my dear August Celestials can go and…well…just go somewhere away from me.

I despise you for providing such crappy amounts of rep and taking forever to get through…the bag is an upgrade of 2 slots…it isn’t worth the hassle you have caused!

On the upside I had made enough cloth for 2 bags, so one for me and one for hubby. I may be able to make another one tonight…we shall see!

I am so glad I have gotten to exalted.  No I have Kirin Tor/Klaxxi as my main ones next.  Then it’s the horrible Timeless Isle and Operation Shieldwall – if I can bring myself to do them.

I will start doing the dailies on another toon now as hubby is still not exalted, but not on my mage, I am done.

I am coming for you….

Stupid Pandaria Cooking…stupid obsession for having things maxxed out on my mage…stupid vegetables…yes….all stupid!!  However after spending another couple of thousand gold I am finally making headway into the cooking!

Stupidly (seems to be the word today), I forgot about using the DMF to get 5 points until my hubby reminded me and since the last one I have been doing the SW daily cooking quest to level instead of making the required food.

Zen cooking

Yes…that is everything I have been working towards…Finally!!  But not one to stop when I am having a good day, I managed to get the following as well :

Way of the Oven




Way of the Brew

Way of the pot

And sometime after getting that done, I realised how close I was and decided to get this little gem because I was dying to get rid of that quest for making a best friend on my farm.

Gina mudclaw

Sadly, she doesn’t actually do anything useful, I was hoping she would you know..actually work on my farm :p

Either way, I have a few more to go, I need to do some fishing and stockpile some more money 🙂  But I have maxxed cooking in my sights!

Shared Topic: Warcraft books/comics

So, I wanted to know if I am the only one reading the warcraft books/comics or if there are others out there for the shared topic this week from Blog Azeroth.

I managed to get my hands on almost every single book and comic (including short stories) for Warcraft and I have only just started to read them. I have spent more time trying to find an actual chronoclogical order of reading, than actually reading, but they all seem to be different. I am at the point now where I am just treating them all as single stories and trying to just read them as such.

I started with “Rise of the Horde” – loved it, I wanted it to go on much longer, reading about Durotan and Ogrim was so cool and obviously where the cities names came from (although the time line doesn’t go that far) and Durotan is Thrall’s father which makes it even more awesome.  I wish that book had a few more.

I then read the 5 books that form the Dawn of the Aspects, which was about the dragon aspects, so any book involving dragons had me hook, line and sinker.  It is about Galakrond and how the aspects became the aspects – Ysera, Nozdormu, Malygos, Nelfarion and Alexstrasza – it is pretty spectacular reading learning how they started out.  They are the guardians of Azeroth – everything stems from that book and it is both heartbreaking and inspiring.  I and am currently reading the first of 3 books for the War of the Ancients Trilogy, which as far as I can tell is about the first time the Burning legion attacked Azeroth and the Well of Eternity – I just keep imagining the instance whilst I am reading the novel.  I also started reading Vol’jin, but it wasn’t gripping me, so I left it and will pick it up later.

I have so many books left to read, plus the comics – I may be reading them for the next few months, but it is so awesome to know the names and places that are being referred to and then understand the characters more – like the complete back story being revealed.  There is something very enjoyable about it.  I can’t wait to get through more of the content!  If you haven’t read any of the novels, I suggest you do, it really does help flesh out the stories and motives of people and events.

I love this world, Azeroth, and so reading the novels brings more of it to life for me especially when I can’t be playing.  I can still be in the world reading and imagining the areas and feeling like I am in game. Go and get yourselves copies today! You won’t regret it!!


Mog the world in 80 days!!! It is coming!

It starts this coming weekend!!

Are you ready?  Do you have some outfits already planned?


26th January is the official start date for this competition!

We have an awesome prize of Diablo 3 download and one of the new mounts from the store!! If you would like to donate a prize, please contact me or one of the other judges.

Check out the page for all the information!!  You can also use the menu option at the top to select each month individually to see the countries for each month, and included is each flag for those listed countries – paintstakenly collated by Kamalia!

The judges are all ready to go and are excited to see all your creations, I am hoping we get a few different countries shown, please continue to share the word around with everyone.

Picture: Cymre

Brawlers Guild

I am no longer a Brawling Virgin.  I decided to just jump in today and see how badly I could fail.  Turns out…I did better than I expected I would do.  I am currently level 6 and it really didn’t take all that long. I stupidly, attempted a level 7 mob from the start and I think I was a little confused about  how easy that one would be.  I had a quest from my garden which gave me a challenge card….after dying about 4 times, I decided I would just start from the beginning 🙂

First brawler winBruce was so darn easy…I was fine up until I got to :

Grr Brawler

It took me about 10 attempts to kill him, I was so frustrated by the end of it, but I kept getting caught in his ground effect even though it looked as though my toon was well out of the way – clearly blink doesn’t work as well as I expected :p  In the end I kicked his butt!!!!

I did manage to fudge through one boss, for some reason, someone was in the ring fighting their boss and I got pulled in for mine – at the same time – but when the other guy killed his mob it counted towards me having killed mine.  Confused?  I know I am still wondering how that happened, it was completely weird…

Hubby decided to come and join me as well, and we were cheering each other on as you do.  I do love the cam view you can use which makes it look like you are right in the arena with them…pretty cool really.

Brawler Cheer

I will definitely be going back to the brawlers guild, it was a lot of fun and gives you some other small thing to challenge yourself with.  I like it. A lot!  Anyone else out there doing this?

Saturday Scenarios

Hubby and I went a little crazy today and we ran scenarios for the better part of the morning to get the lovely Saturday achievement, during which we managed to get a fair few other achievements.

I actually really like scenarios, quick little events that are fun to do.  I want to do some heroic ones, but at the moment I am still working through the normals.

So here are the achievements we got today for the scenarios, I must remember to investigate the other achievements that are available to be done:

unga ingoo

forgotten kings

trap scenario

Scenario monkey





I didn’t realise there was an achievement for doing Theramore’s fall at 90, but there you go!  It really only took us about an hour to get through all of the scenarios needed for the Scenaturday achievement, I can’t really tell because we were doing other quests in between.  Fun though..really fun!


55 reputations and Jurassic park!

I cannot believe I managed to get to 55 exalted reps! The black prince got me over the line!!


I am still miles away for any of the others I am trying to get to exalted, now I just need to start collecting some valor points. I only need another 2000 of them! Everything is a slow build in this game 🙂

I also found out, finally, what Jurassic park was. I have seen so many people talk about dinosaurs and the park I was starting to get really annoyed by not having any bleeping idea what anyone was talking about. I finally found it and died a few times roaming it, but was pretty excited to finally see it? White raptor….I am coming for you now!

We were supposed to go to a flexi raid tonight but it didn’t happen but hopefully I will get to do one this weekend if time is permitting! Blizzard should offer a cheap option for moving multiple toons as it is so expensive, we are being really careful about our decisions. I am itching to raid again though….really itching!

I am also on the hunt for a podcast to listen to, nothing wrong with the multitude out there, but they are mostly US based which makes it hard for me to want to get involved. I can’t go to live shows or get involved because of time zones and I wish there were some oceanic podcasts, so far I have only found bind on equip, and I really struggled to get through the last episode of that. Anyone else have some thoughts, I have some leads from my question on twitter so I have to download some and give them a go.

Sorry for the mixed post there, but I felt I needed to share it 🙂

Rollercoaster week of fame!

I say fame, but really…there was not really any!

I was/am stoked with the huge response the mogging competition is receiving – twitter went crazy and so many of my blogging friends have spread the excitement to others. I cannot thank people enough for the interest shown so far and I am so excited about the comp starting on the 26th!

I was amazingly asked to guest on twisted nether but sadly, my greatest dream (remember starstruck?!?) hasn’t come to fruition because of timing – I cant do live shows at 3pm my time 😦 but I would give my left arm to be on there!! Being asked to be on podcast is such a nice feeling, I just wish we could tee up a time – slight devastation on my part! I have been listening to TNB for a while and part of the BA community for years silently hoping one day I would get noticed, finally it happens – and I can’t do it!

(Yes, that sounds as pretentious to me as it does to you!!!! But I swear it comes from lack of confidence rather than arrogance!)

Speaking of podcasts, the mogging competition was mentioned on another podcast and linked back to the main page! It was a quick and to the point mention but had me blushing all the same! Thank you Group Quest!

Of course the shared topics on BA have had some responses as well – fantastic to see people commenting about missing them being available, but I am busting brain cells trying to think of more topics so they can keep going! We need moar!!!

What’s that saying about fame being a harsh mistress? Is that right or have I confused two and melded them together? Either way, it has been such a boost for me to see the interest and excitement I have managed to create since coming back and I hope others continue to build the community back up!

Thanks everyone! I adore every single person who visits me, reads me and gets something out of my blog.

Shado-Pan and challenges

WOOT!!  Shado-pan exalted!!  Pretty excited to be honest – how could you not be after everything.

Shado pan

However the gorgeous mounts you get for exalted rep are a must have.  I bought them all (of course) and aside from the issue I have with the tail, they are very nice to look at – remember I am completely in love with any pussy cat mounts!


I also did the Defender of the gods quest and scored the grey cloud mount, which is pretty nice, but I still prefer my blue one.

Shadow pan defender

This now puts me at 54 reputations at exalted.  I am currently still working on August Celestials (grrr) and have started working on my Anglers rep currently Friendly I think, I also have Klaxxi and Kirin Tor at Revered – but haven’t been doing the dailies for them much, I am just needing to do something else for a little bit.  I am using my farm to do August Celestials and Klaxxi/Kirin for the moment.  I do want to get back into the dailies, but some of them (kirin tor) take sooo long with so many quests it drives me slightly batty.

Pet Battles

After much deliberation I have started on the happy and excruciating task of killing poor little creatures in an attempt to level my pets.  So far, I have found it annoying, and depressing and overall, I am not sure I am cut out for it in the long run.  I can’t bring myself to kill the other animals, so I have been capturing them and releasing them when I get three of them.  Is that pathetic or  what?  Don’t get me started on the guilt when I kill one by accident 😦  Yet, when mine get killed do you think there is any remorse from the other animals???  NO !!!  And the jerk pet trainers laugh at me!!  And Cheer!!!  it’s horrid….

I have a couple of different teams, only because I am trying to get them to the same level so I can go to the same areas and train them all up at once, I have a couple at level 5 through to 9 and then a few between 3 and four.  Currently I am levelling: onyxia, voodoo figurine, Panther cub, Chuck, disgusting oozeling, darkmon glowfly, squirrel and murkablo.  I have a couple of others I want to level, but since they are poor quality I am reticent to do so.  The little black ram is awesome, but I need to capture some more to find an uncommon one at least…or..maybe I should just use the upgrade thing I got in a supply bag…yeah I might do that!!

I was running around loch modan then decided to read some guides by a few bloggers, this lead me to battling trainers, currently I am unable to best the trainer in STV as my pets are too low. I need to spend more time levelling them.

I do wonder if i need to set up some toons with set teams and just move them around. Is that easier? Honestly I don’t know…my original plan was to get them in the same rough area, then level 3 to the next area, get the next group up to the same level, then keep going until the current lot are maxxed for the zone, then move on.  But it is taking much much much longer then I anticipated.  I think I need to start killing the creatures 😦

For all my effort i have managed to score some achievements!

pet battle more

Pet battles

More to come, I am sure, if I continue to level them before the boredom sets in.  However I would like to at least attempt the Celestial tournament thingie….one day

Shared topic – Mountable Mounts

This topic was brought to you by, me!!  YAY!!  [ insert ping back ].

One of the things I have noticed since my return is the huge amount of mounts available now through rep gains. I am still working on a couple, but it has made me wonder which mounts you guys are loving or hating :)

So what are your top 5 mounts – or just the ones you go to all the time because you like the way they ride? What are the ones you really dislike and can never bring yourself to use – does it rub against your collecting nature (if you have one) to buy all the mounts even though you know you will never use them?

The story behind this topic is quite short so, let me give it to  you.  I finally reached exalted for Golden Lotus and thought to myself that one of those sexy riding cranes would be awesome….so I went and bought one, awesome looking thing that it is… is absolutely horrific to ride. The way it moves is just completely irritating, however, even after trying the first one, I had to buy the rest of them and try them, just to make sure they all sucked.  Yup, I could not let 2 other mounts be uncollected even though I hate it.   So who is the idiot who dropped 4k on mounts even though she will never ever use them?


The only exception to this rule is the $14k mammoth.I refuse to pay that much money for a mount that I despise almost as much as the cranes.  I was so excited to get a mammoth, they looked awesome, imposing and just fantastic….shame that riding one made me want to punch my monitor :p I still love looking at them even now!


I put the Elekks in the same group as mammoths, although not quite as extreme hatred, I won’t willingly choose to use them 9and I did buy all of them when I could).


But in truth, I like more mounts than I dislike…I can never decide what to use, I need to download the addon that randomly chooses them for you, I loved always being surprised with choice.  But here are some pictures of my favourite ones. I turn to these guys all the time and really should give them a rest occasionally 🙂  Tigers/sabres are my absolute favourite, I was devastated when I discovered I couldn’t get one without being exalted – back in WoW, when getting exalted took the entire cloth supply of Azeroth!  Now I have many many many tiger mounts 🙂


I also fell in love with this little beauty and did not stop until I had him…which reminds me I have so many more I need to collect at the Argent tournie still…but it just terrifies me!!


I do love bears as well, I have many of them as well, I love the lop sided run they do…


Of course anything draconic for flying…I have so many dragons I could not possibly put them all up, but here are my most treasured ones:


I still want to 25 man version of the above one, but have a few achievements I need…maybe one day I will get them done…when I am level 100 and it is a cake walk….


I adore the way the tail moves on this mount, it is very hypnotic, and the way the light changes the colours, honestly it is just amazes me at how beautiful they made them!!  I could go one…but I would just end up listing everything…Some special mentions have to go to the Talbuks…they are a very nice ride!

Can’t wait to see what you all love!! (if you posted and are not listed here, please let me know so I can add you!)



Tome of the Ancient

Erinys – Harpys nest



Admiring Azeroth

Escapist Scrawl

Plenty of paladins

Azeroth Life



Mog the World in 80 days competition!!!

I had a brilliant idea whilst trying to think of things for the shared topics on blog Azeroth, so in summation, we can blame Fimlys and Hydra for what is about to happen here at Azerothian Life.  Inspired by stupidity perhaps, however without further ado –  I have decided to hold a transmogging contest!!

Honestly I think it is a fantastic idea which can celebrate the many different cultures and countries we all spawn from!  With Australia day looming close, I felt it was a great day to get this event started!  You can read about it on this page!

The judges I have managed to wrangle together (no actual wrangling occurred…we were out of jelly and not near any mud :p ) are none other than the brilliant, gorgeous, talented and very likeable trio of Navimie, Cymre and Kamalia!!  Woot Woot!

The event will run over 12 weeks and as it is not starting until the 26th January 2014 you have plenty of time to familiarise yourself with the details, start working on outfits and contact us for any questions you may have.

It will be a tight schedule of an outfit a week, but as most people are transmogging genii, I don’t think you will struggle at all!!  I will be sending out updates and confirmations on twitter, so follow me @dragonray to be kept in the loop.

Please spread the word, we are currently in the process of sourcing prizes so we will keep you up to date. Donations of prizes for winners are also welcome and would be very warmly received!

My warrior makes the cut!

My baby warrior is finally 90!

I have very special feelings for both my mage and my Warrior as they are the same toons I have had since Vanilla, they have gone through moves, changes and factions with me and are the only two characters I have had since then.  My priest was created in BC, and she is the next oldest toon I have.

My warrior started out as a my wait toon, back in the day before btags, when you had to be on a toon that people could see you on to get credit for DKP.  I never really leveled her all that much, I more sat around in the main cities chatting to the guildies that were waiting with me, but I could never let her languish because of that connection I forged with her.

Warrior 90

So she makes the 4th toon to 90 that I have and is now mostly decked out in Timless isle gear already, I had three pieces which I took off my pally (shoulders, legs and boots) and whilst opening chests I found braces, gloves, chest, trinket, helm and ring…not too bad for a about 40 minutes of death…yes I was getting my butt handed to me by all the rares 🙂  I only mention the gear because I found this achievement quite funny when I got rid of one of my rings :


That is for superior items with a minimum of 333 in all slots…That’s where I was at gear wise trying to kill mobs on the Timeless Isles…just think about that for a moment….333!!  Crazy…that is me 🙂

I also laughed when I got this achievement when I landed…Clearly I have no idea how I managed to actually get to 90 doing so few quests??  I must have done dungeons for one levelling period or something??  No idea…


Comparatively my mage has done 7946 quests according to the statitics tab 🙂  I love it!

So deciding what toon to level next?  Shammy who is already 85 or hunter or priest…soo undecided….

BA Shared Topic – Oaths

Shared Topic this week from Matty:

What vows would your character say, intend, or break, and to what allegiance? Would it be to class/race/specialization, deity, or ruler? This is quite a challenging Blog Azeroth topic, however, I know you are all up to it because you are amazing writers.

I found this one a hard one…many of my readers would know, I am not a very good writer, in fact I would go so far as to say I suck!!  Thinking about oaths and actually coming up with how to formulate those ideas into words was a struggle, however I believe I have come up with something that is only mildly crap :p

The thing you have to understand with my mindset about my toons is I don’t really care about the faction that are in.  If they are alliance, they hate horde or whatever the larger evil is (death wing anyone), and same with my horde toons, they typically hate the alliance.  The issue I have found is that my toons have been back and forth so many times in their life, I tend to just see them as their class and leave it at that.  I wrote some oaths trying to express how my main characters see their life and any oaths they may have taken to continue on their chosen path (horde or alliance 🙂  – yes I know a whole bunch of friends just screamed that I have to choose a side!!!)

My warrior has taken the following oath:
I pledge my life for yours to protect you from all danger and spill the blood of our enemies, before a drop of yours is shed. I shall honour our earth, I shall cleanse in the water, I shall breath in the air, I shall feast with our clan by the fire.  Always must I believe my shield is as important as my heart, and should one break the other will follow.  I am more than my weapon, and my scars will ever be a reminder of the trials we have suffered and the battles we have won.

My Paladin took:
The light shall absolve me; in the light, I shall triumph. Any pain shall be healed, any fear will be quelled. Within the light we will become one, our triple aspect becoming greater than any evil our world can attempt to destroy me with. Protection, healing and killing shall be my future with the understanding I must remember to always protect those who cannot protect themselves. This is my oath until the light leaves my body for the last time.

My Mage:
We bring the storms and we can bring the calm. We are the army that lights up the night sky.  Together we are stronger than man, demon or god.  The fire burns within us, seeking destruction; ice stills our mind, seeking the calm and the arcane flows through our veins; bursting with knowledge.  Seek the wisdom to defeat our enemies, create the balance in your mind and allow the fire in your soul to be shared with your allies.

and finally my Druid:
I am bound to the moon, as the earth is bound by the sun. I feel the turning of the seasons as one feels the rage in battle, all my forms are given to the service of the old gods. I shall nourish the earth as she nourishes me and I will fight our enemies without reservation if they cause damage to the land and the spirits which inhabit it. I fight for those who do not understand the ways of the spirit, so that one day the fight will no longer be needed.

I can’t wait to see more oaths!

Other posts for this topic:




Tome of the Ancient

Ysera’s Daughter

Blog Azeroth – revamping

One of the things I missed the most about not playing wow, was the blogging community and BA with their shared topics.  Getting to read multiple blogs, find new ones and make new friends was not something I did as it just made my addiction harder to ignore.  So after a couple of weeks of playing and settling back into the game, I decided it was finally time to jump back on the forums and see where it was up to.

I was devastated to see that it was sort of dead…not many shared topics being done or many new posts…so…thankfully I am still a mod, so had some ability to go crazy :p  I have added some shared topics, in the hopes of sparking some imagination in others, so far I don’t want to have each week something I have posted, so please please please please please add some more so I can put them in between mine!!!

I also went ahead and created a FB page for BA…it may help keep people more up to date rather than going to forums, only because so many people are on FB all the time now anyway.  I am wondering if moving to a FB group might even be a possibility…??  For the moment, I just want to get the community more active again and see if we can’t get it hopping.

Facebook for Blog Azeroth

Please, if you love blogging and The Twisted Nether Blogcast, share the FB page, like it, comment on posts and add some shared topics to the main forums please!!  Let’s get involved with each other again!!!

Working 9-5

Such a busy morning, I didn’t sleep very well so was up well before I should have been! I decided I wanted to focus on my professions a little and stop avoiding the things I knew I had to get done.

Finally, maxxed my fishing, I had been sitting at something like 580 so I just had to get off my butt and do those last 20 points!!

Zen fishing

I then stupidly decided to try and sort out my cooking. I am appalled to admit this, but blizzard have failed on this one. I am not normally one to dis the blizz – I am obsessed with their game, I generally try and be positive and understand the decisions they make.  But pandaren cooking = fail of epic proportions!

I need more iron paw tokens, I needs hundreds of vegetables and hundreds of meats/fish and I only have 16 plots which give me  bunches of 5. That is not cool, fun or interesting.  I spent 3.5k on the AH today and I still only have about half the mats I need for each of the specialised cooking. Never mind my actual cooking is not 600 because the masts required are stupidly ridiculous.

I did get some achievements for increasing my cooking skills a little bit:


I think iron chef in Japan would be easier to win than maxing my cooking!

Cooking Gourmet

I managed to complete the quest for the deluxe noodle cart which unlocked a scenarios and another even more impossible noodle cart!  The scenario would have been more fun, if it had worked properly – food wasn’t going to the people I clicked and, or it just wouldn’t get thrown, people wouldn’t sit down and the entire experience was more frustrating than anything else.  After the annoyance of not being able to actual level, spending so much money and getting barely any fish from pools and the crappy scenario, I admitted defeat! I do not know if and when I will be able to max my cooking.

after the cooking I decided to focus on my inscription on my priest, double score with this one as I helped the guild as well!

Zen inscription

This then scored us :

TDW guild achieve

So now I just need to deal with this stupid cooking! ANY TIPS WELCOME!!


And the dailies keep on spinning

You just have to find interesting things to do when you are doing the same things every day, so chasing achievements is what we are doing…some times…when we remember 🙂 Nothing much has been happening other than just playing with toons and keeping busy with the huge amount of stuff I still want to get done before any new xpacs.


“Dog pile” to get started, wish I had a picture of 30 mobs on me and arcane explosion going off!  I have to get the one with the field of fire/swords, but I honestly have no idea how i am going to do that one…more investigation needed on that front. You have to do it and take no damage?? Whaaaa????

I also scored a shado-pan achievement I didn’t even know was there! I love the surprise ones the best! Yes, I felt incapable of trimming my dragon out – that would be blasphemy!

Prove strength

We also finally decided to get this dinosaur, Eros, killed, it has been in our  logs for a few weeks as he was killing us really quickly when we attempted it last time we decided to leave it until we had better gear or an actual group.  We happened upon someone mid kill and decided to help him out with it, turns out he was willing to do it a second time for us as well.  It was an awful fight and I am dreading doing the  next part which requires us to summon another 4 mobs!!  Anyhoo, shout out to Candaris on our server for helping and being awesome enough to help us with the kill.  You are super special and we really appreciated it!

Eros bastard

I have created a little lowbie Tauren monk to run around on with the frostiness, being sick with shingles as I am, I am pretty tired and effort required to play at 90 is more than I can idea how far I will go with it, but it gives me something to just veg with.


Can’t get no….satisfaction

I wonder if I am showing my age, or music preference, by the title and image??  Anyway,  Last night was pretty limited game time, just doing my dailies on my mage..stupid august Celestials!!  I am going to scream like a crazy woman!!  I am even doing the Tiller daily for the extra rep with both Shadow Pan and August Celestials.  I just want the pattern for that stupid bag!!

Both me and hubby on his tailor, have been making cloth every single day so we can make some bags when we get the pattern, but it is seriously going to cause me mental breakdown.


I think I have just hit revered with Shadow Pan – Woot for extra rep token and I am just into honoured for the Celestials…HONOURED!!??!!!?  GAHHHH!!!!  At  this rate I will be exalted by the time Warlords comes out… :p  In truth though, I think I have done really well to get my reps up as much as I have since being back at the start of December.  I really don’t know how you guys – or anyone – managed to get to exalted with them!!  I really don’t!!  Tips appreciated!!


I really want to start working on my Anglers and I should try and get the last bit of the Klaxxi done – I have extra rep now so it really wouldn’t take all that long, anyway every night it depends on my time available…how many quests I can get done in between everything else I need to get done.

On a side note, I bought my hubby they Fey Dragon mount as a present 🙂  He was mentioning how he liked it so I sent it to him as the pack with the brew dog.  We may have missed the Make-a-wish donation, but it was still cheaper to buy the set.  I have been asking me to send me pictures, I am sure all you obsessed people will understand why…and the pictures he has been sending me are completely impossible….the first two examples you will find below…and after I advised him to send me a picture with the actual dragon in it, he finally did 🙂

oh, is that you up the back?

oh, is that you up the back?

Looks cool as shadow - but...what does it look like??

Looks cool as shadow – but…what does it look like??

I did giggle….not a collector or obsessive blogger but I appreciated the effort he put in, he could have chosen not to send me images, which I may have had to kill him for later!  This is one of the next pictures i got, which is much better!!

I see you!

I shall follow hubby around tonight and drool over his new mount because it is bloody awesome!!!  and I may take a few hundred pictures of it, but I won’t bore you guys with more images!